Online Seminar “Collaboration for a Circular Economy”
The regenerative circular economy needs cross-sectoral cooperation, interdisciplinarity and out-of-the-box thinking. Above all, this requires partners who are ready for radical collaboration and can leave solo thinking behind. Circular Economy Forum Austria of the BCSSS organised the online seminar “Collaboration for a Circular Economy” together with Circular CoCreation as part…
BCSSS establishes the Circular Economy Forum Austria
We proudly announce that our cooperation agreement with designaustria, respACT and Circular Futures at the initiative of the BCSSS has been formalized in June 2020, launching Circular Economy Forum Austria. This project will bring together a unique combination of competences uniting expertise in science, economy, design and governance within the…
Register to join the Circular Economy Conference for the Alps Adriatic region
The Slovenian Economic Assoication invites to a Circular Economy Conference for the Alps Adriatic region on February 5, where BCSSS Research Group leader Ladeja Godina Košir will hold a keynote on success factors for pioneers in the circular economy. The event is set at the beautiful Klopeiner lake in St….
Ladeja Godina Košir re-elected as Chair of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
17 October 2019, Brussels. During the third meeting of The Coordination Group (CG) of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) the CG re-elected the Founder and Director of Circular Change and BCSSS Research Group Leader on Circular Economy Systems, Ladeja Godina Košir as its Chair for 2020. The BCSSS…
BCSSS Circular Economy Systems team contributes to the Academy for Circular Economy in Belgrade
BCSSS Research leaders Ladeja Godina Košir, Karin Huber-Heim and Stefan Blachfellner have been invited to contribute to the co-design of the ACE Circular Economy Academy in Belgrade, Serbia, after the successful 4th Circular Change conference in May 2019 in Slovenia. Together the set the tone and opened the Academy with…
Ladeja Godina Košir speaks at the World Circular Economy Forum 2019
From 3-5 of June, BCSSS Research Group leader Ladeja Godina Košir was invited as a speaker to the World Circular Economy Forum 2019 (WCEF) in Helsinki, Finland. The WCEF invited key circular economy experts and changemakers around the globe to come together and to jumpstart the transition that will be…
4th Circular Change Conference in Maribor showcases how to succeed as a business in the Circular Economy
Current challenges for humanity make a transition from a linear to a circular economy inevitable. But how may such a large-scale system change succeed, overcoming diverging interests of various societal groups, legal barriers, competition with conventional businesses and other constraints? The 4th Circular Change Conference on May 16 -17 in…
BCSSS Research Group Leaders contribute to the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference in Brussels
The European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee hosted the 2019 European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference in Brussels, in March. The conference with over 600 attendees from all over the world, including China, and 250 people on a waiting list to attend, looked at policies to capitalise on…
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Recent News
- Keynote at the invitation of CIRCULAR4.0 “The European Green Deal – Economic Potential for SMEs”
- Keynote address at the invitation of Energie Steiermark “Potentials of the Circular Economy”
- Expert interview with Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slovenia on the innovation potential of the circular economy for SMEs
- UNIDO: Global consultations on circular economy
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: A platform for all drivers and shapers of innovation and the energy system of the future