The Relationship between Sociology and Psychoanalysis – Guest Lecture by Johann August Schülein
“How does society come into psyche and how does psyche come into society?”
This was the main question Prof. Dr.phil. Johann August Schülein discussed during his guest lecture at BCSSS on June 14th, 2018. With the intention to discuss the relation between sociology and psychoanalysis the scientist related to his newest publication on Society and Psychodynamics and created an informative and highly interesting evening at the BCSSS. Prof. Dr. Schülein holds a professorship at the Institute for Sociology and Social Research at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU).
- Presentation held at BCSSS (in German): Soziale und psychische Realität.
- Publication: Johann August Schülein: Gesellschaft und Psychologie: Eine systematische Skizze.
If you are interested in the advancements of Psychoanalysis from the perspective of system theory please contact for your personal invitation. The lecture series held at the BCSSS are a unique opportunity to meet with guest lectureres and colleagues to be inspired and to share knowledge in a very collegual athmosphere, independent of your academic position. We are looking forward to meet you.
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