Aufruf zur Einreichung! INCOSE International Symposium 2020 South Africa
Nehmen Sie teil am 30th INCOSE International Symposium! 18 – 23 Juli 2020Cape Town, South Africa Systems Engineering für die Zukunft der ErdeTechnologie und große Herausforderungen durch Systems Engineering vereinen Das INCOSE International Symposium ist das bedeutendste internationale Forum für Systems Engineering. Die Teilnehmer vernetzen sich, tauschen Ideen, Wissen und…
“Systems Thinking” at the First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative
Stefan Blachfellner represented the BCSSS together with Helene Finidori at the first summer school program by the Montparnasse Initiative – School of Thinking, which was hosted by the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary (CRI) in Paris, France from 12th to 18th July 2018. The summer school focussed on the exploration…
Call for Proposals! 10th Congress of the European Union for Systemics 2018
EUS – UES 2018 A Systemic Vision of the Crises From optimization to change strategy? 10th Congress of the European Union for Systemics 15th to 17th October 2018 Brussels, Belgium Although raised many times on other congresses, the theme of crisis is still not depleted. Indeed, questions related to visible…
ISSS2017 Vienna. A Review!
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science looks back on a great meeting! In cooperation with the International Society for the Systems Sciences in July 2017 the BCSSS organized the 61st Annual World Conference ISSS2017 Vienna. We were pleased to welcome European and international scientists, business…
Information from Physics to Social Science
Members of the Emergent systems, information and society Research Group have, among others, contributed to a special issue of the European Physical Journal Special Topics on „Information in Physics and Beyond“. Information as basic phenomenon in our world needs a transdisciplinary account, in which physics and other disciplines can add…
Hannover 2016 | Session | Relationality and Information in Leibniz
Members of the joint group Emergent systems, information and society were speakers at a session of the 10th International Leibniz Congress held in Hanover, Germany, during the week from 18 to 22 July 2016. The session was convoked by BCSSS Scientific Council Member Rainer E. Zimmermann and dedicated to Relationality and…
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Aktuelle News
- Keynote auf Einladung von CIRCULAR4.0 “Der European Green Deal – Wirtschaftspotenziale für KMUs”
- Keynote auf Einladung der Energie Steiermark „Potenziale der Kreislaufwirtschaft“
- Experten-Interview mit Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slowenien zum Innovationspotenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft für KMU
- UNIDO: Globale Konsultationen zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft