Stefan Blachfellner präsentiert die systemische Sicht auf nachhaltiges Supply Chain Management
BCSSS-Geschäftsführer Stefan Blachfellner nahm als Gastreferent an einer neuen Webinarreihe von respACT, dem Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development und dem UN Global Compact Network Austria, teil. Die erste Ausgabe der „Systemic Challenges in the Supply Chain“ beschäftigte sich am 22. April mit den Auswirkungen der globalen linearen Supply Chain…
Innovation in Government – Behavioural Insights and Systems Thinking for Policy Making – an Invitation from the OECD
Stefan Blachfellner, BCSSS Managing Director, followed the personal invitation of The Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) to the ‘Innovation in Government: Steps, leaps and bounds’ Conference, on 19th and 20th November 2018 in Paris, France at the headquarters of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OPSI convened…
Stefan Blachfellner appointed as International Advisory Board Member for the Routledge Handbook of Systems Thinking
The editors of the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Systems Thinking invited Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, to join the International Advisory Board. The Handbook of Systems Thinking will contain new chapters on all of the major approaches to systems thinking applied…
Modeling health impacts for decision-making – On status and perspectives
In affiliation with the 9th European Public Health (EPH) Conference, Vienna, 9-12 Nov 2016, at 10 Nov, an evening colloquium took place in the Bertalanffy Center (BCSSS). The topic was: „Modeling health impacts for decision-making – On status and perspectives“ This workshop was organized as a joint venture between BCSSS…
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