BCSSS Online Konferenz ‚Homo Digitalis und die Conditio Humana‘
Homo Digitalis und die CONDITIO HUMANA: Mensch und Menschenbild im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung BCSSS Online Konferenz 19th March 2020 Felix Tretter und Stefan Blachfellner von der BCSSS waren für die Organisation dieser Veranstaltung verantwortlich, die ursprünglich als Direkttreffen geplant war. Dieses Format musste aufgrund der Corona-Krise abgesagt werden und konnte…
New lecture series by BCSSS visiting scholar Cadell Last on ‚Systems Science and Subjectivity‘
Cadell Last, a philosopher and host of the School of Thinking at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium worked with the Bertalanffy Center for an extended period of time in 2019 as one of the first early career researchers the Center intends to support with its Next Generation Program. He…
BCSSS Member pitched Book on Transhuman: Biohackers and Immortalists at MIT Press Pitchfest
BCSSS member, Michele Battle-Fisher, was one of seven finalists to pitch a science and technology book idea at the first annual MIT Press Pitchfest, called the „Shark Tank“ of book publishing. She competed for the chance to workshop her Transhuman book which is based on the in- production documentary, Transhuman:…
May 30th 2017. Book Launch! Social Morphogenesis: Five Years of Inquiring Into Social Change
We are pleased to announce the presentation of the Springer book series „Social Morphogenesis“ on May 30th 2017 at the the British Library in London. The Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) carried out five workshops of experts from different fields in a yearly interval, starting in January 2012 and ending…
„Systems Research“. New Publications by BCSSS Scientific Council Member David Rousseau
We are pleased to announce a number of new published papers edited or co-edited by David Rousseau in March 2017: The first one was the release of “Systems Research” on 9th March 2017 by the co-authors Mary C. Edison, Pamela Buckle-Henning, Tim Ferris, Andreas Hieronymi, Ray Ison, R., Gary S. Metcalf,…
Das Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science präsentiert einen Grundstein seiner Forschungsagenda, veröffentlicht als Sonderbeitrag in der jüngsten ‚Systema‘ Ausgabe: ‚General Systems Transdisciplinarity‘
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science presents a corner stone of its research agenda with the recently published Special Issue of Systema: General Systems Transdisciplinarity, guest edited by Debora Hammond (Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Hutchins School of Liberal Studies, Sonoma State University, California, USA; Past President, International…
New Publication on Ludwig von Bertalanffy and the Viennese Zoology
The Vienna University Press published a new book entitled „Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität – Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik“ within which the co-authors BCSSS Vize President Gerd Müller and Hans Nemeschkal , both members of the Department of Theoretical Biology, University Vienna, present Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the historical…
Voraussetzungen für eine „gute Gesellschaft“
The UK-based Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) held the fifth and last Morphogenetic Project workshop. Contributions to the final volume to be published in the Springer book series were discussed. The topic „Morphogenesis & Eudaimonia“ comprised social science and humanities accounts of necessary and sufficient conditions of a „good society“. Jamie…
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