Das BCSSS vergibt den ersten Sonderpreis für ‚Action on Climate Change‘ in Zusammenarbeit mit IIID
Im Frühjahr 2020 rief das International Institute for Information Design (IIID) den IIID Award aus, eine große Wertschätzung dessen, was Informationsdesigner zur Gesellschaft beitragen. Sie wenden Kreativität und Design Thinking an, um komplexe Kommunikationsprobleme zu lösen und um jeden Aspekt des menschlichen Lebens zu verbessern. Wenn wir reisen, helfen uns…
BCSSS Online Konferenz ‚Homo Digitalis und die Conditio Humana‘
Homo Digitalis und die CONDITIO HUMANA: Mensch und Menschenbild im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung BCSSS Online Konferenz 19th March 2020 Felix Tretter und Stefan Blachfellner von der BCSSS waren für die Organisation dieser Veranstaltung verantwortlich, die ursprünglich als Direkttreffen geplant war. Dieses Format musste aufgrund der Corona-Krise abgesagt werden und konnte…
Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Special Design Award für ‚Action on Climate Change‘ von IIID & BCSSS
Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Special Design Award ‚Action on Climate Change‘ Der IIID Awardist eine großartige Würdigung dessen, was Informationsdesigner zur Gesellschaft beitragen. Sie wenden Kreativität und Design Thinking an, um komplexe Kommunikationsprobleme zu lösen und um jeden Aspekt des menschlichen Lebens zu verbessern. Im Rahmen des IIID Award 2020 hat…
BCSSS goes ‚Out of the Box‘ – Celebrating 40 years Ars Electronica in Linz
Ars Electronica is an internationally renowed Austrian institution connecting the arts, technology, science and society. On 5th of September, BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner and BCSSS program manager Angelika Schanda were invited to visit the festivities in Linz, Austria. The birthday party was followed by this year’s festival with the…
BCSSS partner IIID shares news about events on producing and visualizing knowledge
How can we make sense of the ubiquitous information and data in our every day lives, in business and in science? Our partner organisation, the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) has shared news on two promising events that are dealing with this challenge. The 26th Biennal of Design (BIO…
Exploring the Future of Design, Service, Science and Systems together with designaustria
Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, was invited by BCSSS Member and designaustria Board Member Martin Fössleitner to join the designaustria strategy workshop as participating innovation expert in January 2019, as a follow up of the designaustria 90th anniversary collaboration. Designaustria hosts a vast network of organisations and individuals…
Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy – 2018 Activity Report
The Group’s Objectives and Organization The BCSSS Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy was launched in October 2017 by Maria Lenzi and Helene Finidori to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields interested in the connection between patterns and systems. Our research is dedicated to the development of socio-technical…
Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 2: Linguistic and Semantic Analysis
This is the second set of results from the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains initiated by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy in early 2018. Our intention here was to extract linguistic and semantic regularities from the survey answers where respondents defined patterns in…
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