Aufruf zur Einreichung! INCOSE International Symposium 2020 South Africa
Nehmen Sie teil am 30th INCOSE International Symposium! 18 – 23 Juli 2020Cape Town, South Africa Systems Engineering für die Zukunft der ErdeTechnologie und große Herausforderungen durch Systems Engineering vereinen Das INCOSE International Symposium ist das bedeutendste internationale Forum für Systems Engineering. Die Teilnehmer vernetzen sich, tauschen Ideen, Wissen und…
Stefan Blachfellner invited to exclusive IASCYS meeting along side several key figures in systems research
On May 10, BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner was called to Beijing, PR China as part of a select audience, among others the presidents of the World Organization for Cybernetics (WOSC) and the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR), invited by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Mathematics and…
Stefan Blachfellner joins the Scientific Committee of the European Union for Systemics
Stefan Blachfellner was appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee for the 10th congress of the European Union for Systemics (UES2018), 15 – 17 October 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The conference is titled „A Systemic Vision of the Crises. From optimization to change strategy?“ and will focus on the…
Wien 2014 | Workshop | Aktuelle Probleme der Systemtheorie
The BCSSS organised a small workshop for invited guests with Rainer E. Zimmermann on May 30, 2014. Start of the workshop (photo: Wolfgang Hofkirchner) Zimmermann stayed during spring term as Researcher in Residence with the Bertalanffy Center. In the workshop he provided an overview of the studies he carried out when being…
León 2014 | Workshop | Understanding Complexity
From 27 – 30 January, 2014 , a workshop for students was held under the title „Understanding complexity: systems, emergence and evolution„. It was organised and introduced by BCSSS Fellow José María Díaz Nafría. In addition, the Center was represented by Rainer Zimmermann who gave a lecture course on the foundations…
Wien 2012 | European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research 2012 (emcsr 2012)
From 10 to 13 April 2012 the Campus of the University of Vienna was the venue of the emcsr 2012. 168 academics and practitioners attended the conference as well as 17 journalists (13 of whom were in training at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg) (click here and…
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- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft