Nehmen Sie an unserer Bertalanffy-Vorlesung und Konferenz Homo Digitalis teil
****UPDATE 3: Die Dokumentation der Online-Konferenz können Sie hier herunterladen. ——- ***UPDATE 2: Wir haben die Möglichkeit eines Online-Meetings eingerichtet und werden dank der Bereitschaft unserer Experten das Treffen am 19. März, 9 bis 12:30 Uhr, online abhalten. Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, besuchen Sie bitte Das Programm ist zeitlich…
Aufruf zur Einreichung! INCOSE International Symposium 2020 South Africa
Nehmen Sie teil am 30th INCOSE International Symposium! 18 – 23 Juli 2020Cape Town, South Africa Systems Engineering für die Zukunft der ErdeTechnologie und große Herausforderungen durch Systems Engineering vereinen Das INCOSE International Symposium ist das bedeutendste internationale Forum für Systems Engineering. Die Teilnehmer vernetzen sich, tauschen Ideen, Wissen und…
BCSSS Vice-President Felix Tretter systemically re-envisions theoretical psychology at Günther Schiepek Symposium
Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Günter Schiepek, the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg organized a symposium on 8th and 9th of June on ‚Self organization – A paradigm for the humanities“. Schiepek is an accomplished researcher and head of the Institute for Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research. He had been…
BCSSS and ARS ELECTRONICA 2017. A Valuable Exchange!
Following the cooperation with the Ars Electronica in the framework of this year’s 61st ISSS World Conference ISSS2017 Vienna the BCSSS would like to express its gratitude again for this exciting collaboration and wishes to congratulate Gerfried Stocker, the artistic director of the Ars Electronica, and his team on the…
„The impact of the design of technological systems on power distribution and markets“. A talk by Stefan Blachfellner
Stefan Blachfellner was invited to give a talk on invitation of the Senate for the Economy and the Center for Risk and Crisis Management in Vienna at the symposium „Cyber-Democracy, Cyber-Development and Cyber-Defence“ on May 17th, 2017, in the Vienna Looshaus. More than 70 guests from industry and business attended…
Systems approaches to Information Ethics
Next week Tomáš Sigmund is guest at our center. He works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Systems Analysis that belongs to the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at the University of Economics, Prague, and is preparing for his habilitation. Currently he is focusing on theoretical systems approaches towards information…
Einladung zum 3. B.S.Lab.International Symposium: Advances in Business Management
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science has partnered with the scientific society Business Systems Laboratory after a successful EMCSR and is glad to announce the Call for Papers of the 3rd B.S.Lab.International Symposium: “Advances in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach” that will be held in Perugia (Italy) at the…
Heinz von Foerster Symposium
Peter Fleissner’s presentation on „Systemic Thinking in Simulation Models – A Report from the Workbench“ From 16 to 19 November 2007 the Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft organized the 3rd International Heinz von Foerster-Congress „Systems / Systemics“ (with special sections on Ernst von Glasersfeld and Gordon Pask) at the University of…
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Aktuelle News
- Keynote auf Einladung von CIRCULAR4.0 “Der European Green Deal – Wirtschaftspotenziale für KMUs”
- Keynote auf Einladung der Energie Steiermark „Potenziale der Kreislaufwirtschaft“
- Experten-Interview mit Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slowenien zum Innovationspotenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft für KMU
- UNIDO: Globale Konsultationen zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft