Nehmen Sie an unserer gemeinsamen School of Thinking in Brüssel teil und lernen Sie, wie sich Systemdenken mit weiteren bedeutenden Denkschulen verbindet
Die erste Summer School of Thinking der Montparnasse-Initiative im Juli 2018 in Paris war der erste Schritt der heute existierenden School of Thinking in Brüssel, ein Programm, das vom Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA), einem transdisziplinären Forschungszentrum an der Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), organisiert wird und sich darauf…
Aufruf zur Einreichung! INCOSE International Symposium 2020 South Africa
Nehmen Sie teil am 30th INCOSE International Symposium! 18 – 23 Juli 2020Cape Town, South Africa Systems Engineering für die Zukunft der ErdeTechnologie und große Herausforderungen durch Systems Engineering vereinen Das INCOSE International Symposium ist das bedeutendste internationale Forum für Systems Engineering. Die Teilnehmer vernetzen sich, tauschen Ideen, Wissen und…
Call for papers! WOSC & ASC Conference Moscow September 2020
Im September 2020 finden in Moskau zwei Konferenzen zur Systemwissenschaft und Kybernetik statt. 18th WOSC Congress 16 – 18 September 2020 Systems approach and cybernetics, engaging the future of mankind – The significance Call for active participation Zunehmend erkennen Menschen und Institutionen die systemische Natur unserer Welt und die Relevanz…
BCSSS goes ‚Out of the Box‘ – Celebrating 40 years Ars Electronica in Linz
Ars Electronica is an internationally renowed Austrian institution connecting the arts, technology, science and society. On 5th of September, BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner and BCSSS program manager Angelika Schanda were invited to visit the festivities in Linz, Austria. The birthday party was followed by this year’s festival with the…
Evaluating Health-Related ICT (hICT)
The basic goal of the series of BCSSS Vice President Felix Tretter’s workshops on (human) digitization is to make cyber-systemic perspectives of living systems explicit. Health and the health care system are important issues in this context. The aim of the previous workshops (WS I-II) was to examine the epistemic…
Towards Organismic Systems Medicine
On 11 to 12 of April, BCSSS Vice President Felix Tretter invited a round of experts to discuss paths ‘Towards Organismic Systems Medicine’ in his function as a leader of the BCSSS Research Group ‘Systems Medicine and Health Care Systems’. In this workshop, the prevailing epistemology of molecular systems medicine…
Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy – 2018 Activity Report
The Group’s Objectives and Organization The BCSSS Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy was launched in October 2017 by Maria Lenzi and Helene Finidori to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields interested in the connection between patterns and systems. Our research is dedicated to the development of socio-technical…
Is there still a distinction between a Human and a Robot?
The IEEE („Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers“ – the world’s largest professional association) recently published Version 2 of Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS), produced by the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. This initiative consists of…
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Aktuelle News
- Keynote auf Einladung von CIRCULAR4.0 “Der European Green Deal – Wirtschaftspotenziale für KMUs”
- Keynote auf Einladung der Energie Steiermark „Potenziale der Kreislaufwirtschaft“
- Experten-Interview mit Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slowenien zum Innovationspotenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft für KMU
- UNIDO: Globale Konsultationen zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft