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Schlagwort: vice president

Call for papers! IRDO 2020, Maribor. Personal and Social Responsibility for Sustainable Future

Call for papers! 15th IRDO International Science and Business Conference 4 – 5 Juni 2020 Maribor, Slovenien Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und aktuelle Herausforderungen 2020: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IRDO – Das Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Maribor lädt Wissenschaftler, Manager, Experten…

From mind to molecules and back to mind—Metatheoretical limits and options for systems neuropsychiatry

Felix Tretter, BCSSS Vice President, has recently published the paper „From mind to molecules and back to mind—Metatheoretical limits and options for systems neuropsychiatry“ in the interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science „Chaos„. Look into his insights on system psychology in the triangle of neurobiology, nonlinear science and psychology in the provided…

BCSSS Vice-President Felix Tretter systemically re-envisions theoretical psychology at Günther Schiepek Symposium

Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Günter Schiepek, the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg organized a symposium on 8th and 9th of June on ‚Self organization – A paradigm for the humanities“. Schiepek is an accomplished researcher and head of the Institute for Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research. He had been…