BCSSS members at the EMCSR 2010
20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research Stefan Blachfellner and Günther Ossimitz present co-authored papers at the EMCSR 2010 (6. – 9.4.2010): “Creating Sustainable Futures by Innovation from within”: Radical Change is in Demand of Radical Innovation? PDF Metanoia and Aporias: Linking Systems Thinking with Yin/Yang Daoism. PDF Winn…
7th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy
Talk by Wolfgang Hofkirchner Wolfgang Hofkirchner took part in the 7th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy (ECAP09), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. He gave a talk on “Ontology of information” in the track on Biocomputing, Evolutionary and Complex Systems chaired by Gordana Dodig‐Crnkovic and Søren Brier. He discussed Søren Brier’s…
Presentation at the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociocybernetics
by Wolfgang Hofkirchner Wolfgang Hofkirchner gave a presentation at the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociocybernetics annual meeting. The 9th Conference on Sociocybernetics was titled “Modernity 2.0 – Emerging Social Media Technologies and their impacts” and held in Urbino. Hofkirchner presented a paper on how the system theoretical perspective…
IFSR Board Meeting
Wolfgang Hofkirchner, as representative of the BCSSS, took part in the Board Meeting of the IFSR on Wednesday, 26 March 2008.
Heinz von Foerster Symposium
Peter Fleissner’s presentation on “Systemic Thinking in Simulation Models – A Report from the Workbench” From 16 to 19 November 2007 the Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft organized the 3rd International Heinz von Foerster-Congress “Systems / Systemics” (with special sections on Ernst von Glasersfeld and Gordon Pask) at the University of…
Wittgenstein Symposium
Peter Fleissner on “Information Society: A Second ‘Great Transformation’?” From 5 to 11 August 2007 the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium on the “Philosophy of the Information Society” took place at Kirchberg am Wechsel. Peter Fleissner gave an invited speech on “Information Society: A Second ‘Great Transformation’?” where he analyzed the…
Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome
Peter Fleissner’s introductory speech The Austrian Chapter of Club of the Rome together with the German EU Presidency organized a workshop on “Life in Cyberspace – The Creation of Social Capital in Virtual Worlds”. On June 26 2007 Peter Fleissner presented there the introductory speech on “Social Life in Virtual…
Paper on Weiss and Bertalanffy presented at the ISSS 2006 50th annual meeting
At the ISSS 2006 (50th Annual Meeting) a paper by Drack and Apfalter was presented: Is Paul Weiss’ and Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s System Thinking still valid today?
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