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A systemic view on the Corona-crisis revisited by BCSSS Vicepresident Felix Tretter

A SYSTEMIC VIEW ON THE CORONA-CRISIS Felix Tretter, Vicepresident, BCSSS, (April 25th, updated on December 3rd 2020) Revisited Preface Now in fall 2020, I think it is time to review lessons learned from CVOID-19 crisis. Facing the beginning Corona pandemic in spring 2020 I tried to identify topics for analysis…

A systemic view on the Corona-crisis by BCSSS Vicepresident Felix Tretter

A SYSTEMIC VIEW ON THE CORONA-CRISIS Felix Tretter, Vicepresident, BCSSS, (April 25th) Preface The so-called “Corona-crisis” is a shocking reset-push for the global society. Fundamental nature-humans relations that up to now seemed to be controlled by technology and society are currently disrupted by this “communicable disease”. With other words: the…

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Systema Journal

From 2012 to 2019 we have been publishing an open access online journal Systema: Connecting matter, life, culture and technology. We are in the process of archiving this journal to make it accessible again.