Towards Organismic Systems Medicine
On 11 to 12 of April, BCSSS Vice President Felix Tretter invited a round of experts to discuss paths ‘Towards Organismic Systems Medicine’ in his function as a leader of the BCSSS Research Group ‘Systems Medicine and Health Care Systems’. In this workshop, the prevailing epistemology of molecular systems medicine…
BCSSS Lecture Series “Systems Science and Medicine”: Diseases in the human interactome
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science heartly welcomes Dr. Jörg Menche on Friday, April 24th 2015 at 2pm, Paulanergasse 13/5, 1040 Vienna, Austria, with his contribution “Diseases in the human interactome” to the BCSSS Lecture Series on Systems Science and Medicine. Dr. Menche is a postdoctoral fellow…
BCSSS Lecture Series “Systems Science and Medicine”
Systems science applications in medicine are known since the 1950s when Ludwig von Bertalanffy was founding his general theory of living systems. At present, by new technological and formal methods in modern biology and medicine this perspective gets new support. The emerging field of Systems Medicine aims at a systemic…
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