Theoria cum praxi et bonum commune (Leibniz): Systemtheorie, Informatik und eine weise Gesellschaft für alle
Rathaus Tiergarten, Berlin-Moabit (photo: Wikimedia Commons)
The Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V. (LS) invites the group „Emergent Systems, Information and Society“ to present itself at a one-day colloquium of their two classes (Natur- und Technikwissenschaften; Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften). The group is a joint endeavour of the Arbeitskreis of the LS, the Research Group of the BCSSS and, recently, the Special Interest Group of the International Society for Information Studies (ISIS).
The colloquium will be held in German on 10 December 2015 in Berlin, Rathaus Tiergarten. The entrance is free. The colloquium gets support from the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung according to the guidelines of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education.
The invited talks span across a wide variety from philosophical and system theoretical foundations of the current transformation into the information society to ethical implications, from physics, biology and computer systems to problems of the design of the so-called sociotechnical systems, in particular, hierarchies, systems of systems and autonomous systems.
Thus the colloquium will comply with the dictum of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: theory (system theory) in collaboration with praxis (informatics) for the the common good (a global sustainable information society).
See the programme here. See the abstracts and cvs of the speakers here.
After the event: see the presentations held and a report done by the Leibniz-Sozietät here.
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