Strong Representation of the BCSSS at the Zero Waste HubClub – Jointly Implement the Circular Economy in Austria
Stefan Blachfellner and Marina Naomi Noack from the BCSSS team together with BCSSS Research Group Leader on Circular Economy Systems, Karin Huber-Heim, joined an Impact Hub Vienna event hosted by the Zero Waste Austria HubClub on Circular Economy in January 2019. The main question of the event was: How can we jointly implement Circular Economy in Austria? The event brought together almost 100 individuals to present and discuss contributions, activities and opportunities in the field of Circular Economy in Austria.
Karin Huber-Heim contributed to the programme with insights from her long-lasting expertise as consulting researcher and lecturer in the field of Circular Economy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The evening was a great networking space for individuals and groups as well as start-ups and lobbies and the BCSSS got to know new players in the field of Circular Economy. We, furthermore, met well established contacts and longstanding partners and managed to deepen those contacts further. Among them, we met the Leader of the ExpertCluster and Member of designaustria, Clemens Dus. Also our partner Umweltdachverband (UWD), the umbrella organisation for environmental matters in Austria was inter alia represented by Julika Dittrich who also functions as the Deputy Leader of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). Julika presented the newly established Austrian platform Circular Futures.
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