Helene Finidori präsentierte Pattern Literacy in Support of Systems Capability auf der INCOSE IW2020
25 – 28 Januar 2020 Torrance, Kalifornien, USA Annual INCOSE International Workshop 2020 Im Rahmen der International Council on Systems Engineering Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) nahm Helene Finidori, Leiterin der BCSSS-Forschungsgruppe Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, an der IW2020 teil und hielt einen Vortrag über ihre Arbeit einschließlich der…
Call for papers! WOSC & ASC Conference Moscow September 2020
Im September 2020 finden in Moskau zwei Konferenzen zur Systemwissenschaft und Kybernetik statt. 18th WOSC Congress 16 – 18 September 2020 Systems approach and cybernetics, engaging the future of mankind – The significance Call for active participation Zunehmend erkennen Menschen und Institutionen die systemische Natur unserer Welt und die Relevanz…
New lecture series by BCSSS visiting scholar Cadell Last on ‚Systems Science and Subjectivity‘
Cadell Last, a philosopher and host of the School of Thinking at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium worked with the Bertalanffy Center for an extended period of time in 2019 as one of the first early career researchers the Center intends to support with its Next Generation Program. He…
Philosopher Cadell Last researches human evolution and the role of subjective problematics in the anthropocene
Cadell Last, a philosopher and host of the School of Thinking at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium worked with the Bertalanffy Center for an extended period of time in 2019 as one of the first early career researchers the Center intends to support with its Next Generation Program. He…
Article on the Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities by BCSSS President Alexander Laszlo is now available online
Alexander Laszlo, BCSSS President, has, together with Ervin Laszlo published an article on “The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities”, in 2003. The full article is now availabe online. Summary. The article presents the systems sciences as a field of inquiry and discusses the way in which it…
New Volume of the Springer Book Series „Translational Systems Sciences“
We are pleased to announce the online publication of Volume 13 of the Springer Book Series „Translational Systems Sciences“ by a team of authors of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy. Update September 2018: with now more than 600 downloads! Under the title „General Systemology – Transdisciplinarity…
Robert K. Logan to start a BCSSS Project on the Origins of Systems Thinking
Marshall McLuhan expert and evolutionary systemist, Robert K. Logan, Fellow of the BCSSS and member of the „Emergent Systems Group“, made a stop-over in Vienna (August 21/22, 2017). From the left: Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Bob Logan, Annette Grathoff (photo: Hofkirchner) It was agreed to start a project on the Origins of…
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