Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Special Design Award für ‚Action on Climate Change‘ von IIID & BCSSS
Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Special Design Award ‚Action on Climate Change‘ Der IIID Awardist eine großartige Würdigung dessen, was Informationsdesigner zur Gesellschaft beitragen. Sie wenden Kreativität und Design Thinking an, um komplexe Kommunikationsprobleme zu lösen und um jeden Aspekt des menschlichen Lebens zu verbessern. Im Rahmen des IIID Award 2020 hat…
„Systems Science for Systems Engineering“. BCSSS Scientific Council Member David Rousseau starts the year with a promising research programme.
From 20th to 22nd January 2017 our valued member of the BCSSS Scientific Council and leader of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Science and Philosophy“ David Rousseau attended the NSF (National Science Foundation) workshop “Future Directions in Engineering Design and Systems Engineering” at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,…
Vienna 2017 | Workshop | Systems Approaches to Information Ethics I
Within the framework of the Emergent Systems, Information and Society group, Tomáš Sigmund was invited to the Center to start the joint research project „Systems Approaches to Information Ethics“. In a three-day workshop during his stay in Vienna (23-27 January, 2017), Soft Systems Methodology (Checkland) and Critical Systems Heuristics (Ulrich) were…
5th workshop on „Social Morphogenesis“ in Paris
In January 2016 the fifth workshop of the cooperation project „Social Morphogenesis“ of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) and the Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) took place at the SciencesPo in Paris. With the topic „Morphogenesis and Eudaimonia“ the group prepared the fifth and last volume…
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