ONE DAY 2020 Konferenz stellt den Systemwandel in den Mittelpunkt
ONE DAY: Die Konferenz ist eine jährliche Veranstaltung zur Inspiration und Förderung von Youth Leadership in Österreich und darüber hinaus. Die Konferenz bringt NGOs, Akademiker, Unternehmen und leidenschaftliche Changemaker zusammen und stellt die Frage, wie wir Systeme verändern können, speziell in Bezug auf drei Kernthemen jedes Jahr, und erarbeitet gemeinsam…
Registrieren Sie sich für die Konferenz zur Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Alpen-Adria-Region
Die Slowenische Wirtschaftsvereinigung lädt am 5. Februar zu einer Circular Economy Conference in die Alpen-Adria-Region ein, bei der BCSSS-Forschungsgruppenleiterin Ladeja Godina Košir eine Keynote über Erfolgsfaktoren für Pioniere der Kreislaufwirtschaft halten wird. Die Veranstaltung findet am schönen Klopeiner See in St. Kanzian, Österreich statt und wird im Rahmen des Interreg-Projekts…
Issues of Assessment in Human Digitalization in Health Affairs (HDIHA)
From 8 to 9 October 2019, BCSSS Vice President Felix Tretter continued his efforts to bring together scientists, medical professionals and big data experts as part of the BCSSS Research Groups ‘Human Digitalization’ as well as ‘Systems Medicine and Health Care Systems’. Since fall 2018, the group had been examining…
The ISSS Conference 2019 – A buzzing hub for the BCSSS and scientists throughout the systems sciences
After both deep conversations and playful workshops at the American Society for Cybernetics Conference, Ray Ison (BCSSS Board member) and Angelika Schanda (BCSSS Program Manager) traveled south, from Vancouver, British Columbia to Corvallis, Oregon to attend the 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). This…
BCSSS partner IIID shares news about events on producing and visualizing knowledge
How can we make sense of the ubiquitous information and data in our every day lives, in business and in science? Our partner organisation, the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) has shared news on two promising events that are dealing with this challenge. The 26th Biennal of Design (BIO…
Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy – 2018 Activity Report
The Group’s Objectives and Organization The BCSSS Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy was launched in October 2017 by Maria Lenzi and Helene Finidori to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields interested in the connection between patterns and systems. Our research is dedicated to the development of socio-technical…
Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 2: Linguistic and Semantic Analysis
This is the second set of results from the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains initiated by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy in early 2018. Our intention here was to extract linguistic and semantic regularities from the survey answers where respondents defined patterns in…
New Volume of the Springer Book Series „Translational Systems Sciences“
We are pleased to announce the online publication of Volume 13 of the Springer Book Series „Translational Systems Sciences“ by a team of authors of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy. Update September 2018: with now more than 600 downloads! Under the title „General Systemology – Transdisciplinarity…
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Aktuelle News
- Keynote auf Einladung von CIRCULAR4.0 “Der European Green Deal – Wirtschaftspotenziale für KMUs”
- Keynote auf Einladung der Energie Steiermark „Potenziale der Kreislaufwirtschaft“
- Experten-Interview mit Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slowenien zum Innovationspotenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft für KMU
- UNIDO: Globale Konsultationen zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft