Ecovilisation Talks: Das Entstehen einer neuen Zivilisation
BCSSS Präsident Alexander Laszlo und Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner haben zum zweiten Mal mit ihren Erkenntnissen aus einer Systemperspektive zur Talkreihe Ecocivilisation beigetragen. Der Vortrag betrachtet den Wert des Lernens über unser Erbe aus einer kollektiven Sicht und auf einer globalen Basis, um uns zu befähigen, Veränderungen zu verstehen, die…
Call for papers! International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2020, Norwegen
Die System Dynamics Society ruft Sie auf zur Teilnahme an der 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 19 – 23 Juli 2020 Bergen, Norwegen „Hindsight in 2020“: learning from the past to inspire the future. Die 38. internationale Konferenz der System Dynamics Society wird das 20-jährige Jubiläum der…
New Volume of the Springer Book Series „Translational Systems Sciences“
We are pleased to announce the online publication of Volume 13 of the Springer Book Series „Translational Systems Sciences“ by a team of authors of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy. Update September 2018: with now more than 600 downloads! Under the title „General Systemology – Transdisciplinarity…
„Systems Science: Value, Status, Scope & Principles”. A workshop by David Rousseau at the INCOSE EMEA Biennial Workshop
During this year’s INCOSE EMEA Biennial Workshop, held at the Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim Germany, from 19th to 20th September 2017, together with Gary Smith (Airbus Defence and Space) our valued BCSSS Scientific Council member David Rousseau conducted a half-day workshop on Systems Science. Rousseau presented the section on…
Modeling health impacts for decision-making – On status and perspectives
In affiliation with the 9th European Public Health (EPH) Conference, Vienna, 9-12 Nov 2016, at 10 Nov, an evening colloquium took place in the Bertalanffy Center (BCSSS). The topic was: „Modeling health impacts for decision-making – On status and perspectives“ This workshop was organized as a joint venture between BCSSS…
„Systems Science and Philosophy“ Research Group Member David Rousseau visits Tokyo
In March 2016 Research Group Member David Rousseau was invited by the Tokyo Institute of Technology to present the latest research results of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Science and Philosophy“ in the framework of the 9th International Systems Sciences Symposium: Translational Systems Science, organized by the Center for Agent-based…
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