BCSSS Online Conference ‘Homo Digitalis und die Conditio Humana’
Homo Digitalis und die CONDITIO HUMANA: Mensch und Menschenbild im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung BCSSS Online Conference 19th March 2020 Felix Tretter and Stefan Blachfellner of the BCSSS were responsible for the organisation of this event, which was originally planned as a direct meeting. This format had to be cancelled due…
Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 1: Overview of Survey Results
Launched in February 2018 by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains generated 140 responses. In general terms, respondents come from a variety of disciplines: systems science, systems thinking, business consulting, computer science and information technologies, design, architecture, permaculture,…
Call for papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Consumer Policy on System Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption Policies
Guest Editors: André Martinuzzi, WU Vienna, Austria Lucia Reisch, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark Submission of papers: September 30th, 2015 Planned publication: September 2016 (No. 3) Prospective contributors are invited to discuss their ideas informally with the special issue editors (contact: andre.martinuzzi@wu.ac.at). Research on sustainable consumption in general and on…
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