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Tag: supporting

BCSSS visiting student Monika Pichler completed successfully her Master thesis “Smart City Vienna”

We are proud to announce the successful completion of Monika Pichler‘s Erasmus Mundus Master Degree on “Smart City Vienna: System Dynamics Modelling as a Tool for Understanding Feedbacks and Supporting Smart City Strategies“. For her studies Monika took part in the European Master Programme in System Dynamics (EMSD), a BCSSS…

Reimagining Systems Engineering and Management

During the 2017 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM), held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, from 18th to 21st October 2017, BCSSS Scientific Council member David Rousseau co-presented a four-hour workshop called “Systems Science Principles for Supporting the Evolution of Systems”. He was accompanied by Javier…