Mission Innovation Austria 2021: A platform for all drivers and shapers of innovation and the energy system of the future
Circular thinking and the collaborative development of new solutions play an important role in the implementation of new technologies to transform today’s energy system. Circular Economy Forum Austria of BCSSS presents its ambitions in the Mission Innovation Austria Week (MIA) launched by the BMK.
Join our joint School of Thinking in Brussels and learn how systems thinking connects with further famous schools of thought
The First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative in July 2018 in Paris was the first step of the today existing School of Thinking in Brussels, a program that is organised by the Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA), a transdisciplinary research centre at the Vrije Universiteit…
MUELLER-DIVJAK exhibition receives enthusiastic response by audience and press
The vernissage of the exhibition “77.000 GENERATIONS. Berta says: We need a new conception of man” by the artists and BCSSS friends MUELLER-DIVJAKwas opened on January 17 and received with enthusiasm by the audience and the press. The magazine “NEUE Vorarlberger Tageszeitung” writes: “The scientific approach to our world is…
Call for papers! WOSC & ASC Conference Moscow September 2020
In September 2020 two conferences on Systems Science and Cybernetics are taking place in Moscow. 18th WOSC Congress 16 – 18 September 2020 Systems approach and cybernetics, engaging the future of mankind – The significance Call for active participation Increasingly, people and institutions are recognizing the systemic nature of our…
BCSSS Board member Ray Ison publishes new book on the hidden power of systems thinking
In times of great societal changes and challenges such as climate change, the need for new ways of thinking and acting have become urgent. Together with campaigner and writer Ed Straw, BCSSS board member and IFSR president Ray Ison has published a new book to uncover “The Hidden Power of…
Philosopher Cadell Last researches human evolution and the role of subjective problematics in the anthropocene
Cadell Last, a philosopher and host of the School of Thinking at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium worked with the Bertalanffy Center for an extended period of time in 2019 as one of the first early career researchers the Center intends to support with its Next Generation Program. He…
BCSSS Circular Economy Systems team contributes to the Academy for Circular Economy in Belgrade
BCSSS Research leaders Ladeja Godina Košir, Karin Huber-Heim and Stefan Blachfellner have been invited to contribute to the co-design of the ACE Circular Economy Academy in Belgrade, Serbia, after the successful 4th Circular Change conference in May 2019 in Slovenia. Together the set the tone and opened the Academy with…
“Systems Thinking” at the First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative
Stefan Blachfellner represented the BCSSS together with Helene Finidori at the first summer school program by the Montparnasse Initiative – School of Thinking, which was hosted by the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary (CRI) in Paris, France from 12th to 18th July 2018. The summer school focussed on the exploration…
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Recent News
- Keynote at the invitation of CIRCULAR4.0 “The European Green Deal – Economic Potential for SMEs”
- Keynote address at the invitation of Energie Steiermark “Potentials of the Circular Economy”
- Expert interview with Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slovenia on the innovation potential of the circular economy for SMEs
- UNIDO: Global consultations on circular economy
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: A platform for all drivers and shapers of innovation and the energy system of the future