Call for papers! International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2020, Norway
The System Dynamics Society calls for your participation in the
38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
19 – 23 July 2020
Bergen, Norway
Hindsight in 2020: Learning from the Past to Inspire the Future
The 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society will honor the 20th anniversary of the 2000 Bergen conference and the long history of system dynamics in Norway, including as host of the inaugural 1976 conference. Whether you are new to the practice of system dynamics or already an expert, the SDS welcomes you to Bergen in 2020, where you may contribute your original work and learn from leaders in the field about the state of the art in system dynamics.
Conference theme
The conference theme is Hindsight in 2020: learning from the past to inspire the future. The saying that “hindsight is 20/20” implies that it’s easy in retrospect to “see” why events unfolded as they did, but it’s much harder to accurately anticipate the outcome in advance. In the scientific practice of system dynamics, concern about such “hindsight bias” compels us to formalize behavioral expectations a priori, before testing dynamic hypotheses of feedback mechanisms, so that the value of a model for producing new insights can be established relative to these expectations. But after building models, subjecting them to rigorous analysis, and discovering robust model-based policies, a different and deeper kind of hindsight can develop over time. It is this kind of hindsight that the Systems Dynamics Society wishes to hone in 2020, by asking how what we know now could inform the practice of system dynamics and inspire alternative models that address the challenges their society must face today and tomorrow.
Submissions are encouraged on all topics relating to the theory and practical application of system dynamics modeling.
Save the date!
Deadline for paper submissions, workshop and session proposals on 2 March 2020.
Please click here for the Submission System
Please click here to register for the Conference / Summer School
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