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Category: Calls

“Berliner November 2007”

BCSSS participates at the conference “Berliner November 2007” (7.-10.11.2007) The “Berliner November” is organized by, the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kybernetik (GFK), the Leibniz-Sozietät, and the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information (GPI) and takes place in Berlin from Wednesday 7.11. to Saturday 10.11.2007. Venue on Wednesday and Thursday is the Humboldt-Universität…

IFSR Congress, Kobe

Wolfgang Hofkirchner is a member of the Program Committee of The New Roles of Systems Sciences – The First International Congress of the International Federation of Systems Research in Kobe, Japan, 14. – 19.11.2005 Hofkirchner gives a lecture on “Ludwig von Bertalanffy – Forerunner of Evolutionary Systems Theory” at the…

Genes in Ecosystems: Mechanism and/or Semiosis?

Genes in Ecosystems: Mechanism and/or Semiosis? Konrad-Lorenz-Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, with Toshiyuki Nakajima (Department of Biology, Ehime University, Japan), Charbel El-Hani (Institute of Biology, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil), Luis Emilio Bruni (Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen), together with BCSSS.