IS4IS President Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic talks in Vienna.
In October Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Professor of Computer Science in Chalmers, Gothenburg and Mälardalen, current IS4IS President and member of the BCSSS Research Group “Emergent Systems, Information and Society”, visited Vienna to give a talk on „A Taxonomy of Computation and Information Architecture“ at the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and another…
The Turing machine model and “natural computation”
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, member of our recently established Research Group on Emergent Systems, Information and Society, will visit Vienna and give a talk on A Taxonomy of Computation and Information Architecture. The question is how the turing model of computation relates to self-organisation of natural systems: Are they different or do they…
“Designing Design” at the Digital Bauhaus Summit 2015, a contribution in collaboration with the BCSSS
After a successful first public appearance at the Information Studies Summit in June 2015 in Vienna, we were proud to be invited at the Digital Bauhaus Summit for the Creative Economy on Designing Society in July 2015 Weimar, Germany. Liss C. Werner from Tactile Architecture Berlin, co-leader of the BCSSS…
León 2014 | Workshop | Understanding Complexity
From 27 – 30 January, 2014 , a workshop for students was held under the title “Understanding complexity: systems, emergence and evolution“. It was organised and introduced by BCSSS Fellow José María Díaz Nafría. In addition, the Center was represented by Rainer Zimmermann who gave a lecture course on the foundations…
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