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Tag: mit

BCSSS Member pitched Book on Transhuman: Biohackers and Immortalists at MIT Press Pitchfest

BCSSS member, Michele Battle-Fisher, was one of seven finalists to pitch a science and technology book idea at the first annual MIT Press Pitchfest, called the “Shark Tank” of book publishing. She competed for the chance to workshop her Transhuman book which is based on the in- production documentary, Transhuman:…

20th – 23rd January 2018. INCOSE International Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, USA

INCOSE International Workshop Jacksonville, Florida, USA 20th – 23rd January 2018 Our higly valued Scientific Council member David Rousseau, leader of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy and Founder and Director of the Centre for Systems Philosophy in Surrey, UK, will be one of the contributors during this…

Vienna 2016 | Hamid Ekbia | Computing and Capitalism: Dynamics of Systemic Change

The Research Group Emergent Systems, Information and Society invited Hamid Ekbia as keynote speaker for their meeting that took part in the framework of the emcsr avantgarde 2016 on 1 April, 2016. Hanid Ekbia – at his stay in Vienna being a Senior Fellow at the IFK (Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften) – is Associate Professor…