Call for contributions! Special Award for ‘Action on Climate Change’ by IIID & BCSSS
Call for contributions! Special Design Award ‘Action on Climate Change’ The IIID Award is a great celebration of what Information Designers contribute to Society. They apply Creativity and Design Thinking to solve complex Communication Problems, and to improve every aspect of Human Life. In the framework of the IIID Award…
BCSSS Member Yagmur Denizhan at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. A short review.
In April 2017 BCSSS Member Yagmur Denizhan visited the Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. She was invited by the International Center for Philosophy of Information, School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Xi’an Jiaotong University to give guest lectures in the fields of Information and Communication and on Simondon’s Theory…
Transhumanism – Netizens – Information in Evolutionary Systems: Three sections at Gothenburg June 2017
The BCSSS Research Group on “Emergent systems, information and society” calls for papers and participation in three sections of the International Society for Information Studies Summit that will take place in Gothenburg from 12 to 16 June 2017. That Summit is the follow-up conference of the one that was held…
“Meaning“ did not emerge like a bolt from the blue
Recent literature suggests the appearance of information that is coupled to significance not only with the advent of biotic agents (“meaning” in living systems) but already with prebiotic environments, namely, with the existence of agents (non-living, physical systems) that – according to the fourth law of thermodynamics after Stuart Kaufmann – …
John Collier visiting scholar in Vienna to work on theory of self-organization
John Collier, Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Associate, Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, is visiting Vienna again. He is invited by TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) to work with Wolfgang Hofkirchner on the emergence of function in the course of evolution of self-organizing systems. Collier, Fellow of the BCSSS, member…
Symmetry Festival Vienna 2016
The BCSSS is co-operation partner of the International Symmetry Association (ISA) which is just preparing its next Symmetry Festival scheduled for summer 2016 in Vienna, hosted by the Vienna University of Technology. The ISA deals with fundamental physical and mathematical knowledge at the interface with arts. The festival will not…
The Turing machine model and “natural computation”
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, member of our recently established Research Group on Emergent Systems, Information and Society, will visit Vienna and give a talk on A Taxonomy of Computation and Information Architecture. The question is how the turing model of computation relates to self-organisation of natural systems: Are they different or do they…
Vienna 2001 | Bertalanffy’s 100 Anniversary Conference (BAC 2001)
Bertalanffy Anniversary Conference 2001 The very first call to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Bertalanffy’s Birthday were essentially concerned with the conceptual of General Systems Weltanschauung as an indispensable framework needed for helping the humans to search how to make sustainable the dynamics of their civilization. The first announcement was…
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