“Transforming Systems through Design” marked the cornerstone for a new research group at the BCSSS
On June 6th 2015 the newly established Research Group on Socio-Ecological Systems and Design led by Stefan Blachfellner at the BCSSS contributed to the International Society for Information Studies Summit at the Technological University in Vienna with a track and workshop on Transforming Systems through Design. The workshop was held…
Call for Papers and Participation ISSS 2015 Special Integration Group on Socio-Ecological Systems
We are excited at the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science to share the latest news. Our Call for Papers and Participation for the upcoming 59th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences held in Berlin, Germany, August 2 – 7, 2015. Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director…
Invitation to join the Webinar on “Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to Systems Engineering”
The BCSSS is pleased to announce this unique opportunity which originates from our collaboration with the International Council on Systems Engineering and invites you to join the INCOSE Webinar 76 – Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to SE on Wednesday 6 May 2015, 11:00am EDT, USA / 5:00pm CEST, Austria…
Accelerated change in the “Morphogenic Society”?
The Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) held its second workshop on social morphogenesis at the EPFL in Lausanne from 16th to 18th January 2013. As collaborator of the CSO since January 2012, Wolfgang Hofkirchner elaborated on systems aspects of current trends ascribed to society. He contended that, in line with…
Franz Pichler appointed Honorary Member of the BCSSS
Franz Pichler, Prof. emeritus, was recently nominated as Honorary Member of the Bertalanffy Center. Educated as mathematician, in 1972 he was appointed Professor of Systems Theory at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. He is known for applying systems theory to information technology. Two times he was Visiting Professor for General Systems Theory at the…
Vienna 2012 | European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research 2012 (emcsr 2012)
From 10 to 13 April 2012 the Campus of the University of Vienna was the venue of the emcsr 2012. 168 academics and practitioners attended the conference as well as 17 journalists (13 of whom were in training at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg) (click here and…
The Morphogenetic Project and Self-Organisation
Margaret Archer, the Director of the Centre for Social Ontology at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, is the leader of the so-called Morphogenetic project. The morphogenetic approach is a social theory attempt to understand change in society in the perspective of critical realism (follow that link: http://cdh.epfl.ch/page-37105-en.html). The usage of the term…
Systems experts gathered in Vienna: Systems thinking – what’s it for?
On 10 November 2011 the Bertalanffy Center was host of 20 international systems theorists and practitioners, among them leading representatives of systems movement organisations like the President of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), Matjaz Mulej; the representative of the European Union for Systemics (UES/EUS), Pierre Bricage;…
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