Ecocivilisation Talks: The roots of civilisations
BCSSS President Alexander Laszlo and Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner contributed to the Ecocivilisation talk series with their valuable insights from a systems perspective. “The Roots of Civilisations” talk discusses learnings from the past, exploring: the basic definition of what the civilisation is, its roots of the concept what has contributed…
Keynote at the Circular Business Academy Conference
What makes a company a sustainable circular investment? What criteria can be found in the EU taxonomy? At the Circular Business Academy Slovenia conference on 19 January 2021, Circular Economy Forum Austria of the BCSSS Director Karin Huber-Heim will give a keynote speech on “Institutional readiness unleashing opportunities arising from…
Presentation of the Circular Economy Forum Austria of BCSSS at the CSR – TAG 2020
“Achieving more with less” is the title of the Circular Economy Forum Austria of the BCSSS session on CSR Day 2020 (21-22 October): we invite company representatives Eva Eidinger-Simacek (Lidl Austria), Thales Crivelli Nunes (Borealis), Kilian Kaminski (refurbed) to discuss their challenges and issues with interested participants. The founding partners…
Keynote at the Masovia Circular Congress 2020
Beyond recycling and waste management, the regenerative circular economy has great potential for innovative industry leaders and courageous entrepreneurs. The economic focus is on a new generation of consumers who want to use instead of own. The Circular Economy Forum of BCSSS presents Austrian good practice.
Online Seminar “Collaboration for a Circular Economy”
The regenerative circular economy needs cross-sectoral cooperation, interdisciplinarity and out-of-the-box thinking. Above all, this requires partners who are ready for radical collaboration and can leave solo thinking behind. Circular Economy Forum Austria of the BCSSS organised the online seminar “Collaboration for a Circular Economy” together with Circular CoCreation as part…
Stefan Blachfellner introduces the Systemic View on Sustainable Supply Chain Management
BCSSS Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner took part in a new webinar series hosted by respACT, the Austrian business council for sustainable development and the UN Global Compact Network Austria, as guest lecturer. On the 22nd of April the first edition of the “Systemic Challenges in the Supply Chain” concerned itself…
Join our joint School of Thinking in Brussels and learn how systems thinking connects with further famous schools of thought
The First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative in July 2018 in Paris was the first step of the today existing School of Thinking in Brussels, a program that is organised by the Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA), a transdisciplinary research centre at the Vrije Universiteit…
ONE DAY 2020 conference puts systems change front and center
ONE DAY: The Conference is an annual event to inspire and promote youth leadership in Austria and beyond. By bringing together NGOs, academics, companies and passionate changemakers, the conference asks how we can change systems, specifically in regards to three core topics each year, and co-creates solutions with both students…
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Recent News
- Keynote at the invitation of CIRCULAR4.0 “The European Green Deal – Economic Potential for SMEs”
- Keynote address at the invitation of Energie Steiermark “Potentials of the Circular Economy”
- Expert interview with Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slovenia on the innovation potential of the circular economy for SMEs
- UNIDO: Global consultations on circular economy
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: A platform for all drivers and shapers of innovation and the energy system of the future