Join our joint School of Thinking in Brussels and learn how systems thinking connects with further famous schools of thought
The First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative in July 2018 in Paris was the first step of the today existing School of Thinking in Brussels, a program that is organised by the Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA), a transdisciplinary research centre at the Vrije Universiteit…
Helene Finidori presented Pattern Literacy in Support of Systems Capability at INCOSE IW2020
25 – 28 January 2020 Torrance, California, USA Annual INCOSE International Workshop 2020 As part as the International Council on Systems Engineering Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) Helene Finidori, Leader of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, attended IW2020 and gave a talk on her work including…
Bridging the fields of Systems Science and Cybernetics in North America
During a tour of six weeks and visiting six cities, Angelika Schanda attended three major conferences on Systems Science and Cybernetics. As Program Manager at the BCSSS, Schanda made it her mission to connect the often dispersed communities and groups related to these fields. Toward that end, she traveled across…
Configuring Patterns and Pattern Languages for Systemic Inquiry and Design – New Article by Helene Finidori
Helene Finidori is a BCSSS Member and the Leader of the Systems Science and Pattern Literacy BCSSS Research Group. She currently pursues a PhD at the University of Hull’s Centre for Systems Studies, is an affiliate researcher of the Evolution, Complexity and COgnition group(ECCO), and a Research Fellow of The…
Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy – 2018 Activity Report
The Group’s Objectives and Organization The BCSSS Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy was launched in October 2017 by Maria Lenzi and Helene Finidori to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields interested in the connection between patterns and systems. Our research is dedicated to the development of socio-technical…
Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 1: Overview of Survey Results
Launched in February 2018 by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains generated 140 responses. In general terms, respondents come from a variety of disciplines: systems science, systems thinking, business consulting, computer science and information technologies, design, architecture, permaculture,…
Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 2: Linguistic and Semantic Analysis
This is the second set of results from the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains initiated by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy in early 2018. Our intention here was to extract linguistic and semantic regularities from the survey answers where respondents defined patterns in…
Strong Participation of the BCSSS at the #ISSS2018 – 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science
The BCSSS was strongly represented at the #ISSS2018 – 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science, which took place at the College of Engineering of the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, United States from 22nd to 27th of July 2018. David Rousseau, the current President…
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