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Tag: philosophy

Symmetry Festival 2016

Symmetry Festival 2016 Arts & Science Programs. General Relativity 100! 18th – 22nd July 2016 The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science is pleased to be this year’s cooperation partner of the World’s largest multidisciplinary Conference & Art Festival in Symmetry Studies organized by the Symmetrion, under the…

John Collier visiting scholar in Vienna to work on theory of self-organization

John Collier, Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Associate, Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, is visiting Vienna again. He is invited by TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) to work with Wolfgang Hofkirchner on the emergence of function in the course of evolution of self-organizing systems. Collier, Fellow of the BCSSS, member…

Starting the ISSS 2015 conference in Berlin with Systems Philosophy and its Relevance for Systems Engineering

On Sunday 2nd August 2015 the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Systems Science Working Group presented the one day pre-conference workshop on Systems Philosophy and its relevance to Systems Engineering in Berlin, led by Gary Smith (INCOSE). The workshop has been the second in a succesful series. The first…

Understanding Matter

The Italian Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica held its first international conference in Palermo from April 10 to 13, 2014. About 100 speakers discussed philosophical problems of understanding matter. The Bertalanffy Center was represented with talks by José María Díaz Nafría, Wolfgang Hofkirchner and Rainer Zimmermann. They took part…

Invitation to the Bertalanffy Symposium 2013

We heartly invite you to the upcoming 2nd Bertalanffy Symposium Emergence: Systems – Evolution – Information jointly organised by the BCSSS and the Working Group Information Studies at the Austrian Computer Society. The current worldview of complexity aims at understanding emergent phenomena. Austrian and international experts from different disciplines –…