“The impact of the design of technological systems on power distribution and markets”. A talk by Stefan Blachfellner
Stefan Blachfellner was invited to give a talk on invitation of the Senate for the Economy and the Center for Risk and Crisis Management in Vienna at the symposium “Cyber-Democracy, Cyber-Development and Cyber-Defence” on May 17th, 2017, in the Vienna Looshaus. More than 70 guests from industry and business attended…
Systems approaches to Information Ethics
Next week Tomáš Sigmund is guest at our center. He works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Systems Analysis that belongs to the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at the University of Economics, Prague, and is preparing for his habilitation. Currently he is focusing on theoretical systems approaches towards information…
Invitation to the 3rd B.S.Lab.International Symposium: Advances in Business Management
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science has partnered with the scientific society Business Systems Laboratory after a successful EMCSR and is glad to announce the Call for Papers of the 3rd B.S.Lab.International Symposium: “Advances in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach” that will be held in Perugia (Italy) at the…
Vienna 2013 | Ludwig von Bertalanffy Symposium
“Emergence: System – Evolution – Information” was the title of the second LvB Symposium held by our Center. It was organised in co-operation with the Austrian Computer Society Working Group Information Studies. About 25 guests attended the symposium which took place from 5 to 6 December. This time five experts…
Invitation to the Bertalanffy Symposium 2013
We heartly invite you to the upcoming 2nd Bertalanffy Symposium Emergence: Systems – Evolution – Information jointly organised by the BCSSS and the Working Group Information Studies at the Austrian Computer Society. The current worldview of complexity aims at understanding emergent phenomena. Austrian and international experts from different disciplines –…
Vienna 2011 | Ludwig von Bertalanffy 110 Aniversary
In 2011 there was the 110th anniversary of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s birthday. Thanks to sufficient funding, the BCSSS could organise two LvB 110 Events on 9 and 10 November 2011 and invite renown systems theorists from abroad. On the eve of a one-day symposium David Pouvreau held a public lecture…
Heinz von Foerster Symposium
Peter Fleissner’s presentation on “Systemic Thinking in Simulation Models – A Report from the Workbench” From 16 to 19 November 2007 the Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft organized the 3rd International Heinz von Foerster-Congress “Systems / Systemics” (with special sections on Ernst von Glasersfeld and Gordon Pask) at the University of…
Wittgenstein Symposium
Peter Fleissner on “Information Society: A Second ‘Great Transformation’?” From 5 to 11 August 2007 the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium on the “Philosophy of the Information Society” took place at Kirchberg am Wechsel. Peter Fleissner gave an invited speech on “Information Society: A Second ‘Great Transformation’?” where he analyzed the…
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- Keynote at the invitation of CIRCULAR4.0 “The European Green Deal – Economic Potential for SMEs”
- Keynote address at the invitation of Energie Steiermark “Potentials of the Circular Economy”
- Expert interview with Circular Business Academy (CBA), Slovenia on the innovation potential of the circular economy for SMEs
- UNIDO: Global consultations on circular economy
- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: A platform for all drivers and shapers of innovation and the energy system of the future