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Tag: expertise

COVID Pop-up Hub

COVID19 has shown that a lack of resilience and high complexity makes our systems vulnerable. If one component fails, the entire house of cards collapses very quickly. As part of the COVID Pop-up Hub, 30 interdisciplinary experts are developing future scenarios on the topic of “economic buffers” on the initiative…

Circular Economy Forum Austria of BCSSS is part of the jury of the Vitalpin Climate Investment Award

With our expertise, we contribute to the selection of innovative solutions for sustainable management in the Alpine region. BCSSS Director Karin Huber Heim, represents the Circular Economy Forum as a juror. Vitalpin KlimaInvestment is a programme organised by Vitalpin and ClimatePartner that awards funding prizes of around EUR 65,000 for…

BCSSS establishes the Circular Economy Forum Austria

We proudly announce that our cooperation agreement with designaustria, respACT and Circular Futures at the initiative of the BCSSS has been formalized in June 2020, launching Circular Economy Forum Austria. This project will bring together a unique combination of competences uniting expertise in science, economy, design and governance within the…

4th Circular Change Conference in Maribor showcases how to succeed as a business in the Circular Economy

Current challenges for humanity make a transition from a linear to a circular economy inevitable. But how may such a large-scale system change succeed, overcoming diverging interests of various societal groups, legal barriers, competition with conventional businesses and other constraints? The 4th Circular Change Conference on May 16 -17 in…

„Learning from European Neighbours” – Meeting the State Secretary for Digitalisation at the German Embassy in Vienna

Thomas Wünsch, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalisation of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, travelled to Austria with about 20 representatives from the science sector and the health sector and invited key persons of those sectors in Austria. The Minister’s visit stood under the theme “Digitalisation in Health Economy…